So right now all I think about is the Phantom of the Opera and its sequel, Love Never Dies. When I went through the tumblr tag for phantom there weren't as many graphics as I'd seen with other fandoms (Sherlock, DW, etc.).
Too bad I'm the biggest n00b @ graphics. Actually, if there was an award for lowest quality graphics, this would take the cake. lol lol lolol ol lol what composition??? rendering? blending??? ? ?? ? derp
this took me 87371627 hours to make. This is why I only illustrate on photoshoop ... wat da heck are layer masks?
In other news,
- Hadley Fraser cameo in LND photographs because I have no idea who the other guy is + Hadley Fraser = Raoul whenever I listen to the LND recording.
- all 3 humans from the image above are flawless.
- the last time I was involved in a stage production (2010) it made me want to quit life and join a theatre company. this is bad because final round offers have closed, so I'm going to be stuck with B Drugs for a year before I can change to something else. I'm not sure what I want, but something along the lines of B Something-with-higher-job-prospects-that-is-still-sciencey. full time scientist/part time musical theatre performer. yesss
- ugh work tomorrow. why hasn't the cinemas called me back yet?! work goal is to get into the Capitol Theatre (which is playing LND right now, damn it!) doing front house or something idc. aaaahh
bye bye