My former tutor from primary school decided to hire my desperate self to help out at her place today. As exciting as getting a job was, it clashed with my ambitious plans to explore Ikea with Pompea. Soon ...!): I kind of expected to follow her around and wait for her to tell me to do things but it turned out being the complete opposite. I barely spoke to The Bauss after we set up in the morning.
The day consisted mostly of marking and eating and asking the dudes what I was supposed to be doing. I felt super insecure sitting next to them, slowly ticking through my one maths paper, while they were raging through their several papers in a firestorm of red pens. They were freaking machines. holy moly. It probably sounds really mundane, but in real life ... swt bb jzs how am I supposed to keep up with them?? First day here! I made new friends though yayaya.
So, marking homework took up most of the day. I was supposed to help out with homework classes as well but oh my god HAHAHHAHhdhasjdf I hadn't used long division and manual multiplication in SO LONG it felt completely alien to me. Just had to wing it, and luckily it worked out ok - not many people asked. One of The Dudes tried to make me take a homework class. That was a close call.
They bought us Thai food/Pizza from Pizza Hut for lunch. Since I have minimal tolerance for spicy food I ordered pasta from le pizza place, but they didn't include a fork. As a result, there was a pre-meal adventure around the building trying to find one. I ended up using somebody's spoon from the staff tea kitchen ewww (I washed it, but still). Serving pizza to a bajillion hungry children is bloody intense. It was a race to slice pizza into slices of 2, using tongs, and throw them onto plates to hand out to hungry pizza monsters. Hardcore.
Memorable events:
- The image above. I gave that kid 10 ticks.
- One of The Dudes was trying to do something to the ceiling in the room nearby and it ended up crumbling and falling on him. The ceiling was made of some soft material so he didn't get hurt (he wasn't standing directly under it either), but the novelty of a ceiling falling on someone just made it hilarious. :')
- Calling after this little girl thinking she was a family friend of mine. "Danielle, Danielle! Are you Danielle?" "No.." "Oh ok. Would you girls like some chips?" That was awkward.
- Awkward moment of the day: Right at the end, before everyone left. I think we were waiting for The Bauss to return to give le monet, so The Dudes and I just stood around for a bit. Eventually, we were spaced across the room and somehow everybody was preoccupied with their phones. Even the Deputy Bauss. What was going on?? Monkey see, monkey do: I got out my phone as well and texted Ana & Steven that I was pretending to be busy on my phone by texting them.
That was kind of fun (I'm pretty sure my pay rate is ILLEGAL though :c ).
EDIT: I started saving up for my retirement today : D