Dover and Heidelberg a la everything is green
Monday, 26 November 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Friday, 28 September 2012
On the way to Calais, FR.
Oh man, sem 2. Midsem break almost at an end, and there is so much left to be done. Do I still have post-revue blues? On Wednesday night I went to watch an a cappella performance by a bunch of older revuers. Gawd, they were fantastic. Unfortunately, it was one of the most painful socialising experiences of my life because my friend couldn't make it, and I was in a room full of people that I *kinda* knew but not well enough, and they were all in packs. WOE IS ME how do i socialise???? ? ?? ?
In uni news, I'm not looking forward to the last month of sem; not enough has been done to prevent a repeat of the catastrophe that was the end of sem 1. I managed to /just/ scrape through the finals but I'm not sure how lucky I'll be this time around. Well, at least I'm up to date with MBLG, woo!
Friday, 14 September 2012
Art box at Covent Garden
Covent Garden markets
Street art, on the way to the British Museum
I ... don't remember who she is.
Outside Buckingham Palace
Residents of Green Park
Changing of the Guard
om noms at the Covent Garden food stalls
Thursday, 13 September 2012
New post in the making; brace yourself, internet! In the meantime, here is a holiday photo that I like. Heidelberg, Germany.
I feel so demotivated now that Science Revue is over. There's a lab report waiting to be done, but I've only got tunes in my head. I forgot that days off could be spent being productive. But a ukulele recently made its way into the house, so I spent most of today becoming acquainted with it.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
When in Rome ...
Some photos from my time in Italy. Venice, Florence, and Rome were among the cities I visited. After 2 weeks of dreary cold weather in Western Europe, the heat of the Mediterranean sun bombarded all senses and weighed down all my limbs. Moving through streets spilling with tourists became a the biggest mission for which the reward was often gelato. There, it's cheap and tasty.
Italy has such a rich history which is so beautifully preserved. The architecture is amazing. The food is delicious. Even the cobblestone streets are nice to look at. Easily one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Then again I haven't been to much of the world, but anyway...
Italy has such a rich history which is so beautifully preserved. The architecture is amazing. The food is delicious. Even the cobblestone streets are nice to look at. Easily one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Then again I haven't been to much of the world, but anyway...
Venice: looking over a canal from the restaurant balcony / lunch entree: squid ink spaghetti / house on the water / by the pier, waiting for the ferry
In Florence: Hilltop view overlooking the city / flowers on the way down the hill
Rome: Bernini's Four Rivers
Vaticano: ceilings of St Peter's Basilica
Monday, 2 July 2012
An English Short Story
It's currently 9:25pm Monday in London (should be Tuesday morning in Sydney) and while at home my mindset would be along the lines of 'the night is young', being a tourist is no easy task. I am so bloody exhausted.
So after 203487 hours of flight and a night of rest, we finally left this morning to do some proper exploring of the city. We made a visit to Covent Garden in time to see the markets go from set up into full swing in about half an hour. I was looking for Topshop, which according to the website I could find at Covent Garden. When I made it to the address it was still under construction and it was sprinkling and it was so disheartening. Then we walked back to the other side of the station and dropped into some shops - Cath Kidston, Urban Outfitters, Office. That was generally exciting having been a long time lurker of foreign brands. To finally step foot into the physical store. Ah, retail catharsis. Didn't manage to buy anything from UO though because mum was in a rush and oh well. it's okay. NEXT TIME!
Afterwards we paid a visit to Westminster Abbey to walk around the Big Ben/Houses of Parliament/Westminster Abbey and take photos and be tourists. I tried to beast composition and have vectors n shiz going through the photos but wow I realise now my focusing is so bad. Big Ben did its thing but because it was only 1pm there was only 1 bong. I'll cherish that bong. After that, we went to The British Museum (where I took the photo - wreath from anc Greece), which I enjoyed very much. And now I am too tired to elaborate.
Good night.
PS I now realise why the weather here is notorious. It's as cold as winter in Sydney ggqqpp
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Survival of the fittest
Welp. A couple of days ago, Muse's song "Survival" was announced as the anthem of this year's Olympics. Definitely no complaints from my end; I've spent hours on end going through their albums. Absolutely love their stuff. It did come as a bit of a surprise though!
Some other Muse-ic that I particularly enjoy:
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
And we must take the current when it serves,
Hello, hello. A little something something I made. Possibly my favourite quote. Longer version of carpe diem. Shorter versions of proper sentences used in dis post. The first time I read it I had the entire image in my mind, of crashing/swirling waves and spirals of sea foam. I feel that this is a poor understatement of that mental image, but it is late and cold, and I am tired. I feel that an update is in order:
My exams have finally come to an end, time to rejoice yay etc. Although they were only over 6 days, exam period felt like infinity alternating between cramming and sleeping. Needless to say, it was exhausting. The way things stand, I am a bit doubtful of a P for chem, but I am hopeful (There's always plenty of hope on my side). So that's that.
Medsci cruise in 2 days, woot woot! It's been too long since the last time I saw seftoners. I am so excited ~ ~ ~
Good night and gawd bless amercia.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
I will understand thermodynamics by the end of tonight.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Jan to June tunes
A bit of what the first half of this year sounded like (in a somewhat chronological order):
- Talking Bird by DCFC
- I'll Follow You Into the Dark by DCFC
- Two Birds by Regina Spektor
- Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky
- I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You by The Black Kids
- Nobody Waiting for Me by M. Craft
- The Point of No Return from The Phantom Of The Opera
- Firefly by Ed Sheeran
- Towers by Bon Iver
- Mr. Tambourine Man by Bob Dylan
- Video Games by Lana Del Ray
- A Little Fall of Rain from Les Mis
- Hymne a l'Amour by Edith Piaf
and now listening to Regina Spektor's album What We Saw From the Cheap Seats (really enjoying Ne Me Quitte Pas, and Oh Marcello). also this:
At least I'll get a HD in procrastination
Typing this post means the betrayal of my future self, who in a week will be fighting for my life - i.e. Sitting the semester finals. I have extremely low expectations of the outcomes and will be thrilled with just a pass. This comes from a combination of a) not fully understanding all of the content, which is a result of b) having the worst lecturer for organic chem.
I was very disheartened when I found out that I’d miss the course survey for chemistry; I would’ve given him so much negative feedback. Luckily there was no shortage of people who shared my sentiment. One of the things I loathed about him was the little effort he put into making the course enjoyable. Apart from learning for the sake of graduating and landing a job ASAP, learning content/ the course should be made somewhat ENJOYABLE for the students, shouldn’t it? Otherwise, what would be the point of having somebody to just read their notes off a page? Textbooks can do that nowadays without being as condescending.
Then again there are redeeming lecturers who entertain and are so engaging I’m sure students show up looking forward to both the content and the teachers. They share anecdotes, their own mnemonics. They know how to articulate and actually /speak/ so that information comes out interesting. Those lecturers compel students to learn and are so much more MOTIVATING. Encouraging. TBH he reminds me of FEO. Yuuuck.
I know it’s up to me to have the intrinsic desire to learn as a student but I also think that teachers have a responsibility that extends beyond relaying information. Especially if they take it upon themselves to demean the class while demanding respect etc. Etc. I hate him/he’s so crap/ apparently in tutorials he just talks on his phone through the lesson/ yep I'm gonna blame the teacher.
So basically, DIY organic chem woot woot yay
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Today feels like a green day
I don't even know what that means but I needed a title for photos of my food. My life decisions become increasingly riveting each day.
First photo is of a vine I took in from outside, hoping for it to sprout roots so that I could plant it in the backyard later. I actually expected it to just wilt and die but it's been a few weeks now and it's still looking pretty good. So that turned out better than expected, yay! but still no roots. The end of the stem where I cut is just starting to look a bit bulbous... which might mean roots??? IDEK.
Anyway, following that: my breakfast in progress, mochi that I bought for mum, and my breakfast in the process of being eaten.
And now to catch up on 193875684 million lectures. Exams are rolling around the corner. How fast has this semester been!? I swear I'm still on holiday mode from that HSC break, ah...
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Looked normal tbh
I was in the bathroom and overheard a conversation between two girls. One looked in the mirror and noticed something...
A: Oh my God, I have some thing in my teeth! I hate it when I find things there, why didn't you tell me?!
B: I don't know, it looked normal.
A: Oh my God, I have some thing in my teeth! I hate it when I find things there, why didn't you tell me?!
B: I don't know, it looked normal.
Friday, 1 June 2012
I overestimated my luck today with that chem quiz. Hopefully this means I'll be more motivated to stick to a stringent study routine. Hopefully. In other news, these are pretty funny:
Monday, 28 May 2012
Tiny little green things are starting to emerge from the tin of dirt woot woot!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Part of a poster assignment for uni. The Kava plant (Piper methysticum) and its medicinal + historical use, chemical properties etc. Featuring awkward image citation...
Monday, 21 May 2012
Stuff n stuff: aesthetics in the Haus of dogfish + Capt. America
I am on a quest to improve the decor in my house which has hitherto been the responsibility of my grandma and mum. Unfortunately they both have poor taste so I've got my work cut out for me, hah. I bought a nice table runner/cloth thing today except the table I intended to use it on is covered with my sis' crap. This house will look nice eventually, but cancer will be cured before that day comes.
Anyway some pharmers were talking about how they spent the weekend being unproductive. Combine that with Tumblr gifs, I'm currently itching to watch Capt. America. I really want to watch The Avengers but I have to restrain myself until I've watched all the Marvel hero movies ... except I don't really care about The Hulk so idk. But piratebay won't load why. looooooad plzzzzz.
Anyway some pharmers were talking about how they spent the weekend being unproductive. Combine that with Tumblr gifs, I'm currently itching to watch Capt. America. I really want to watch The Avengers but I have to restrain myself until I've watched all the Marvel hero movies ... except I don't really care about The Hulk so idk. But piratebay won't load why. looooooad plzzzzz.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Thursday, 16 February 2012
OK so at first I tried to paint Sierra Boggess but that never worked out... I'm getting rusty at this. I've just settled with colouring a children's Disney stencil sheet because I'm feeling lazy (+ art block). Hence the sloppy everything.
I made a twitter account but didn't figure out how to make a tweet in time to ask Ramin Karimloo a question during the live chat. Lyf so sad.
Good night.
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Suicide Hall
Too bad I'm the biggest n00b @ graphics. Actually, if there was an award for lowest quality graphics, this would take the cake. lol lol lolol ol lol what composition??? rendering? blending??? ? ?? ? derp
this took me 87371627 hours to make. This is why I only illustrate on photoshoop ... wat da heck are layer masks?
In other news,
- Hadley Fraser cameo in LND photographs because I have no idea who the other guy is + Hadley Fraser = Raoul whenever I listen to the LND recording.
- all 3 humans from the image above are flawless.
- the last time I was involved in a stage production (2010) it made me want to quit life and join a theatre company. this is bad because final round offers have closed, so I'm going to be stuck with B Drugs for a year before I can change to something else. I'm not sure what I want, but something along the lines of B Something-with-higher-job-prospects-that-is-still-sciencey. full time scientist/part time musical theatre performer. yesss
- ugh work tomorrow. why hasn't the cinemas called me back yet?! work goal is to get into the Capitol Theatre (which is playing LND right now, damn it!) doing front house or something idc. aaaahh
bye bye
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Latest obsession
Aileen linked me to her song Video Games and after realising my addiction, I decided to dust off my tablet.
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