Sunday, 3 June 2012

Today feels like a green day

I don't even know what that means but I needed a title for photos of my food. My life decisions become increasingly riveting each day.

First photo is of a vine I took in from outside, hoping for it to sprout roots so that I could plant it in the backyard later. I actually expected it to just wilt and die but it's been a few weeks now and it's still looking pretty good. So that turned out better than expected, yay! but still no roots. The end of the stem where I cut is just starting to look a bit bulbous... which might mean roots??? IDEK.

Anyway,  following that: my breakfast in progress, mochi that I bought for mum, and my breakfast in the process of being eaten.

And now to catch up on 193875684 million lectures. Exams are rolling around the corner. How fast has this semester been!? I swear I'm still on holiday mode from that HSC break, ah...

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