Saturday, 9 June 2012

At least I'll get a HD in procrastination

Typing this post means the betrayal of my future self, who in a week will be fighting for my life - i.e. Sitting the semester finals. I have extremely low expectations of the outcomes and will be thrilled with just a pass. This comes from a combination of a) not fully understanding all of the content, which is a result of b) having the worst lecturer for organic chem. 

I was very disheartened when I found out that I’d miss the course survey for chemistry; I would’ve given him so much negative feedback. Luckily there was no shortage of people who shared my sentiment. One of the things I loathed about him was the little effort he put into making the course enjoyable. Apart from learning for the sake of graduating and landing a job ASAP, learning content/ the course should be made somewhat ENJOYABLE for the students, shouldn’t it? Otherwise, what would be the point of having somebody to just read their notes off a page? Textbooks can do that nowadays without being as condescending.

Then again there are redeeming lecturers who entertain and are so engaging I’m sure students show up looking forward to both the content and the teachers. They share anecdotes, their own mnemonics. They know how to articulate and actually /speak/ so that information comes out interesting. Those lecturers compel students to learn and are so much more MOTIVATING. Encouraging. TBH he reminds me of FEO. Yuuuck. 

I know it’s up to me to have the intrinsic desire to learn as a student but I also think that teachers have a responsibility that extends beyond relaying information. Especially if they take it upon themselves to demean the class while demanding respect etc. Etc. I hate him/he’s so crap/ apparently in tutorials he just talks on his phone through the lesson/ yep I'm gonna blame the teacher. 

So basically, DIY organic chem woot woot yay

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