Saturday, 22 October 2011

Did I mention that this is a food blog now

Just then, I threw some bread, tomatoes, cheese, almonds, tuna, avocado, and lettuce into a bowl and mixed it together, adding some pepper and stuff. Then, I placed it into a furnace set at 1000 degrees celcius and left it there for a couple of seconds, before tossing it into a bath tub filled with water to cool. So that's what I had for lunch. Oh, and this is not a food blog.

This is a second complaint about the temperature. I'm complaining. This is a complaint. I cannot function properly. My body temperature will be exceeding optimal conditions for living soon. Uuughhh h hhhhh why happening ? ?? , ? cbbkjc

Now it's time to return to maths and things, yay. My favourite. Just kidding. Time to die.

-releases dove-

I always liked Module A ...

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