Friday, 21 October 2011

The slow transition into a food blog... jokes, I'll be complaining about the HSC on this thing forever.

This was a Turkish bread + cheese + chicken + lettuce sandwich that I had for dinner today. I've got to say, it was pretty good. What isn't so good though, is that productivity has been questionable these past 2 days. I've been doing a couple of questions and then rewarding myself with time off to find food, lie down, watch some videos etc before remembering that there are exams and things. Damn exams, ruining my life.

And damn CFCs and the crappy green house gassy atmosphere. Today was SO HOT, especially upstairs. When I went downstairs to find food (the only reason I leave my room nowadays) I realised that my room was like a furnace in comparison. It's not too bad now. There's a nice breeze coming through. Apparently on Monday it'll be 30 degrees though. Well that's going to be absolutely lovely. Luckily we finish by 11 30 so we might be out of the hall before it turns into an incinerator... o:

Oh and I made a ~ * title banner * ~ thing, :B which wasn't an awful waste of time since it didn't take that long in the first place, about 10 minutes, but maybe I could've started on some questions during that time ... look at me making excuses. asdffds ok time to start that 2007 2U paper.

Good night termite.

1 comment:

  1. Oh AIMY. You've found a way into my heart...blogging about food (with the most perfect uhm turkish-breadwich image included). If your blog ever transitions into a food blog I'll whole heartedly support you!!!!! Hehe. I just really like looking at food... 8)

    Oh & I love your banner. 10 mins? LORD. Took me 4eva to do mine ):
