yesss my life is exciting.
Sunday, 30 October 2011
60 hours
Intense cramming session tomorrow! Modern History is on Tues and I haven't finished memorising my 10 bajillion essays yet ) : And I need to not pass out after the exam so I can do papers and study for Chem which is on Wednesday.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
The time I swallowed a bug.
A mosquito to be exact, which makes slightly more disgusting. I'm not sure which type of bug I'd rather swallow, if I had a choice. Lady bugs? No...
I was in bed last night, about to fall asleep, when the signature high pitched buzzing reached my left ear. Startled, I thrashed around from under my blanket trying to blindly shoo the mosquito away. I ended up hiding under the sheets for 10 minutes. Only, it was getting a bit stuffy under there so I came up for air. When I lifted the blanket, I took a gasp of the nice, cool air, only to have something hit the back of my throat.
The next couple of minutes involved me trying to cough up what I'd just swallowed by making loud gargling noises that you usually do to dislodge phlegm. Eventually I just accepted the situation. I (accidentally) swallowed a bug.
And to make sure that it wasn't going to try any sneaky bsns and crawl up my esophagus while I slept, I gulped down a good half a bottle of water. It left me feeling depressed. The irony of me trying to avoid the mosquito but ending up eating it is slightly comforting... nope, it's just funny. Apparently swallowing bugs while we sleep is commonplace, but it's definitely not fun while you're conscious.
i swallowed a bug
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
JOB IDEAS - aka, edit: ways-to-get-money that I can think of
I probably should've done this ages ago. Even my piano teacher told me (back in June!!) to start applying asap, after the trial exams. Right now, I'm not looking forward to writing cover letters and faking my uncontrollable enthusiasm for stationery or fashion over the next few weeks. Ggrgrgrrrr. This was a list I made this morning at 2am when Ana reminded me that positions for Xmas casuals are filling up fast.
Retail/Customer Service
Cotton On - have applications closed ?yes they have.Smiggle - With this and Cotton On, I'm slightly irked by the third party "career" pages for retail chains which have lots of links and scroll bars and information about being enthusiastic about customer service and delivering exceptional bla bla bla. Just tell me where to apply. > 8( Oh geez I hope an employer doesn't see this.- Myer - I get lost in places like Myer.
- Glassons
- Kikki K -> this would be pretty awesome, except the closest store is at Town Hall, and their design team is based in Melbourne 8C
- Cinemas - Liverpool, Parramatta. I just tried to call Parra but the answering machine put me on hold for 15 minutes and nobody picked up.
- At a music store - Bavas' Music City (Liverpool)/Allens' music
Food places
- Cafes - the only ones nearby are filled with middle aged male patrons who sit outside and gossip every day. Also, I can't speak any Asian languages fluently ... There is an awesomesauce place in Redfern, but that'll be quite the urban trek from here.
- Restaurant - someone might get food poisoning. Are there any casual/minor management positions? Do those exist? !?
- Crispy Crepe - I like crepes : D
- Helping out at the tutoring place I used to go to - I hear their pay might be breaching minimum wage laws though?
- Pet stores - I might be allergic to cats
Other job ideas that are unrealistic but would be extremely satisfying
- Working at the zoo
- Working at the aquarium
- Working at the museum
- Performing at gigs - which would involve writing music but we haven't done any of that yet ...
- Creating things. Threadless?!?! ? ? ? ??
Places I will not work at
- McDonalds
- Fast food places
I think people have just finished the 3U paper. Hopefully that went well, and good luck to all the 3U-religious people who are going to have an eventful cramming in the next couple of hours!
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Did I mention that this is a food blog now
This is a second complaint about the temperature. I'm complaining. This is a complaint. I cannot function properly. My body temperature will be exceeding optimal conditions for living soon. Uuughhh h hhhhh why happening ? ?? , ? cbbkjc
Now it's time to return to maths and things, yay. My favourite. Just kidding. Time to die.
-releases dove-
I always liked Module A ...
Friday, 21 October 2011
The slow transition into a food blog... jokes, I'll be complaining about the HSC on this thing forever.
This was a Turkish bread + cheese + chicken + lettuce sandwich that I had for dinner today. I've got to say, it was pretty good. What isn't so good though, is that productivity has been questionable these past 2 days. I've been doing a couple of questions and then rewarding myself with time off to find food, lie down, watch some videos etc before remembering that there are exams and things. Damn exams, ruining my life.
And damn CFCs and the crappy green house gassy atmosphere. Today was SO HOT, especially upstairs. When I went downstairs to find food (the only reason I leave my room nowadays) I realised that my room was like a furnace in comparison. It's not too bad now. There's a nice breeze coming through. Apparently on Monday it'll be 30 degrees though. Well that's going to be absolutely lovely. Luckily we finish by 11 30 so we might be out of the hall before it turns into an incinerator... o:
Oh and I made a ~ * title banner * ~ thing, :B which wasn't an awful waste of time since it didn't take that long in the first place, about 10 minutes, but maybe I could've started on some questions during that time ... look at me making excuses. asdffds ok time to start that 2007 2U paper.
Good night termite.
what I ate today
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Just a reminder:
Amidst the chaos and panic of exams, now would probably be a good time to watch this again. It puts things into perspective - not that what's happening isn't important. He is so inspirational. Many late nights have been spent prowling the dusty corners of youtube for Carl Sagan videos. I can't wait to have a Cosmos marathon after HSC ...
Jonsi, from Sigur Ros, has also been helping me keep my wits about today. I'll have to buy his album later. His music is so painfully beautiful ): Listening to their music makes me want to learn Icelandic and fly there to live by the mountains and glaciers. Maybe pat some mountain sheep.
Shall resume my maths past papers now.
Cya later, escalators. Lyrical genius right here.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Everything is beautiful.
These exams are causing me to stress out immensely, especially while we're waiting to head into the hall. I'm not sure if everyone's getting that feeling too. My organs were just dancing around inside and telling me to go crawl into a hole and lie there for a couple of hours. Felt so sick at the start, ugh.
Module A!!! The question wasn't too bad. I blanked a bit at the start so I hope the quality picked up from then on. I went over time with that essay which meant less time for B and C, /sob. The question for speeches was so ambiguous... did it just ask us to present our prepared response?!?! Guh. And we're the first to have been specified a speech since 2003. Luckily I studied a bit of Kyi last night, and had some techniques to pull out for that essay, but I was hoping to write on Keating and Deanne. Oh well ): And I just finished Mod C with a few seconds to spare. Phew!
Oh and after the exam while the papers were being collected, I was trying to communicate with Tiffany via sign language. It eventually led to me lifting my arms up to make a Y. As in YMCA Y. HAAHAHAH oh man I'm so smooth. High fives all around!
So this concludes my chapter on studying English. No more English, no more analysing poetry, films and novels. I AM OVER THE MOON! O: All this being said though, I hope I did well. Now give me science reports and things, please. According to my tutor though, we're going to instinctively detect aspects of belonging in all the films we watch in the next year. That's probably true.
Time to lounge around for a few hours, before moving on to the catastrophe that is maths.
Ok bye.
Oh and I came home and made this for lunch. yum yum in my tum tum.
what I ate today
Sunday, 16 October 2011
If x were a potato, it'd be a good potato
If modern history were a dish of mashed potatoes it'd be a good dish of mashed potatos. (I like mashed potatoes)
Except it's served in a bad restaurant with bad customer service, so I'm not particularly fond of this dish right now.
Some people ordered this dish last year and decided ultimately not to have it, and I'm somewhat envious because now they don't have to sit through this horrifying dining experience.
I've been seeing this potato/melon analogy in the comments of random song videos on utub. Since I've successfully changed the topic to music, here is a list of motivational/inspirational music. I'm probably going to die over the next 3 weeks and I just need to make sure that I do it like a bad ass.
Because we are, and Freddie Mercury looks great in that leotard.
My favourite from the album, actually. So motivational (when treadmilling as well, hah).
How could I not?
Why will you never be mufasa?
How did this blog come to exist?
Procrastinating, and reading blogs by people I know.
Pompea, Ana, Ena, Stephen, Tiffany, Minh. Vincent your blog is somewhere, but since you set it on private, I haven't been able to access it you butt face. You too, Ashleigh.
I'm looking at you.
(as in, update more).
I should be asleep, but I'm currently flicking through Mod B notes. Will I remember them when I wake up later today? Probably not. Had a slight nervous breakdown today when preparing to do a mock essay. I imagined what it'd be like sitting in front of a paper asking a question that I didn't understand. uuuughhhhhh it's quite a terrifying scenario.
I don't know what's happening ...
This does not mean some day in the unforeseeable future. It means IN ONE DAY, I'll be writing my wrist off and flipping tables and things because I lack an understanding of my culture and therefore do not belong.
I picked the best day to begin a blog. Hopefully I'm not adding to internet landfill with more abandoned pages/URLS.
ok bye.
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